Hearts around the world are breaking...
I call upon Manuela and other fans to take a moment to grieve for the bachelorhood of Michael Owen. My blog, today, is silent.
I call upon Manuela and other fans to take a moment to grieve for the bachelorhood of Michael Owen. My blog, today, is silent.
The further I get along in age, the more I become like Emily Post. And if she were alive I am sure she would agree that someone needs to say something about subway etiquette. Example. The train is full, a chick with questionably red frizzy hair squeezes in and leans against the stripper pole that I am holding onto. I could continue to hold on, but the red frizzy hair starts getting tangled in my fingers as I am trying to skip that one techno song I hate on my I-pod that is in my pocket. So I let go of the stripper pole and find something more soothing to listen to since I am obviously ready to tear some shit up.